Well I couldn't think of an entertaining title so deal with it....
Today is the last full day of camp here at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana and then Drew Doody Louis Grubber and I are on our way across the states...from Vail to Vegas then ending in San Diego...we still are not sure where we will be celebrating the 4th of July but were just going to wing...I mean I'll be the only girl for a week so I am preparing myself to just go with the flow and wing it.
This whole summer already has been such an amazing experience. I've met so many awesome people and have been able to build great friendships after just 4 weeks.
I'm excited to see what the rest of the summer has in store.
As for now I have been pretty swamped running errands, counting shirts, re counting shirts, phone calls, coaching, making lists, organizing the shuttle to the airport...but still It has been such an eye opening awesome experience.
I have forgotten how awesome it is that one sport can bring so many people together from all over and it's so cool to see that with the staff coaches and even with the campers. For the most part Soccer is the only thing that these people have in common but it's enough to develop a strong bond between one another.
With this being the third straight week of camp I took my first nap of the summer yesterday and I do not think I have slept that hard since freshman year...In my sleep I thought I was awake but just couldn't open my eyes and couldn't sit up...come to find out I was still sleeping (obviously figuring out when I actually woke up and realizing it was a dream just sit up and start laughing)
Tonights session is star wars and I'm super pumped...I need to redeem myself from last weeks staff vs campers game because let's just say I was not the best :)
After the shuttle drops off the kids tomorrow at the airport and everyone is checked out of the dorms, and the evaluations have been handed out we will be on our way to San Diego
Drive 10-11 hours Friday, stop close to Kansas City
Saturday-wake up drive to Vail and stay with Clara until....who knows
Monday?? drive to Vegas (Drew thinks we aren't getting a hotel room...he just wants to stay up all night....this will not happen)
Wednesday or around then...arrive in San Diego and get rid of my soccer tan at the beach!
I am not sure of the driving situation but 1 of my shifts Drew has to take since I beat him in the crossbar challenge....multiple times
*note: do not challenge me in a crossbar game
Here is a list of some of the staff I have been working with the past two weeks
Lovett-hilarious big guy from Indiana, always knows how to make someone laugh
Hamil-Think of the surfing turtle from Finding Nemo and that's him, or the penguin with long hair from Surf's Up...he lives on the beach in Charleston, drives a golf cart, teaches middls school PE, and coaches
Grubber-English mate that will be one of our traveling buddies, awesome coach...after training Lovett's group for 1 session three were out for the next one...passionate about soccer
Jack aka "Rabbit" super red hair but totally accepts it which is awesome...always has something for the suggestion box..even if it is in front of the campers haha
Doody..his first name is Colin but no one calls him that...he's on the fieldplayer staff with Drew so we've all been working together this week..he also will be on the road trip with us
Ethan worked on staff in PA and is going to the Naval Academy...I think he is there right now actually, he is 17 and was a staff in training and was an intense but awesome coach
Kali was also on staff in PA and she can sing and play the guitar like it's no one's business
Ben and Chelsea were the two fieldplayer staff coaches in PA and they both play soccer at Endecott, Chels was the admin last year.
Mecchi was at camp in PA as well and I met him when I was working at the office in Hartford the first week, he is awesome at coming up with songs off the top of his head and singing and playing the guitar with Kali (My Box)
Clara is my roomie this week, she plays keeper at Purdue and is a legit girl...so excited that she will be on some of our trip in Vail so I won't be the only girl
I think i've named everyone so far I've worked with...Ben Pinkerton (Pink) is the Director of all the camps I have worked so far and has been awesome working for him. He goes on extremely way too long of bike rides (50 miles) and he was the one to come up with the nicknames Hansel and Gretel
Drew is the field player director so I have worked with him the most since he allows me to coach sometimes, I rode with him in the Budget for (12hours) to Ohio...I whooped him at the crossbar game and he is always hyper bcs he drinks nasty 5 hour energy drinks...he lives in Colorado for half the year so he better be planning on showing us around while were there. He played soccer at San Diego State so he's made this trip multiple times so at least one of us knows where were going.
No pictures for now because I haven't taken any...sorry
Much Love
Phone Calls would be much appreciated in the next days to pass the time while were driving! :)